Monday, November 5, 2012

Turn, baby, turn!

This little stinker has gone and put itself in a posterior position. I've been doing all my optimal fetal positioning 90% of the time... upped it to 100% today and spent most of my spare time on my hands and knees, but bubs is being stubborn. I'm sure it's the cause of my prodromal labour: intense braxton hicks each evening. Not bad enough that I have to breath through them, but not just tightenings either. 

I'm now 38+4 and I can't believe how time has flown. I want this bub in a good position, but at the same time, I'm actually enjoying the prodromal labour. I love the anticipation of not knowing if this time will be *the* time; Of wondering if I'll have a baby in my arms by morning, or not for another few weeks. Call me crazy!!

I have the birth pool now which is a relief. I was so sure I'd have the baby before it arrived, just because I expect things to not go right for me. 

I just can't wait to do this, but at the same time, I'm not ready for this journey to be over. I hope those emotions don't hinder labour for me. I know many women have some emotional "baggage" they have to let go of to really allow labour to take hold so it's a good possibility that not wanting it to end is my baggage. 

Time for some meditation, I think. Time to remind myself how excited I am to finally meet this baby!!!!